I Lost 1 Kg in a 1-Week Holiday in Cambodia. Who Wouldn’t? Haha

Ethan at Preah Koh, part of the Rolous Group in Siem Reap

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining here. In fact, losing 1 kilogram in one week while holidaying in Siem Reap is one of the best things that happened to me! I couldn’t achieve that in one month of jogging (span of two months on an M-W-F routine) or at least a month of reduced food intake. Hey, I even eat a lot while in Cambodia! Haha.

I’m not really a weight watcher, but I knew my weight before and after my holiday. Prior to the trip, I had the chance to weigh myself because I need to ensure that my backpack was below the 7 kilogram airline limit. After the trip, I was able to weigh myself again because I just happen to see the same weighing scale again.

No kidding! I lost 1 kilogram because of my 1-week stay in Siem Reap. Well, who wouldn’t?! Here are the reasons though.

Reason No. 3 | The sun’s scorching heat acts like a natural sauna.

I don’t believe that the more you sweat, the higher your chances of losing weight. However, I don’t know the science of it (and I couldn’t care, so don’t argue with me. Haha). I just felt that the sunshine in Siem Reap is worth mentioning for those who are planning a trip there. ‘Scorching’ would be an understatement to describe the sunshine there, or at least in our experience when visiting temples, which are generally on open terrains. So make sure you bring umbrellas or comfortable hats (because I didn’t. *sniff*)

I often sweat though, but while holidaying in Siem Reap, I was like taking a full bath with my own sweat! Okay, that was an exaggeration. But my point is, I was sweating so profusely with every temple visits, making it awkward for taking pictures of myself. Haha. Vain! Then I later realised after the first 2 days that my unusual sweating may have been caused by my hair gel and sunblock lotion, which could have been blocking my pores and scalp.

But still…

Ethan at Siem Reap's temple ticketing booth
That white overexposure? That’s caused by direct sunlight… (at the ticketing booth for temple passes)
Ethan at Lolei, part of Rolous Group in Siem Reap
Sun was still good to us at around 9 am… (at Lolei, part of Roluos Group)
Ethan at Preah Koh, part of the Rolous Group in Siem Reap
A couple affected by the Cambodian sun and photobombing this photo in the process. haha (at Preah Koh, part of the Roluos Group)
Ethan at Preah Koh, Rolous Group, Siem Reap
more sun… (still at Preah Koh)
Ethan at Bakong, biggest temple in the Rolous Group in Siem Reap
Hiding from the sun after a long climb… (at Bakong, biggest temple in the Roluos Group)
Ethan at Bakong, Rolous Group, Siem Reap
more sun (o.0) [still at Bakong, Roluos Group]
Ethan at Bakong, Rolous Group, Siem Reap
Mr. sun, oh, Mr. sun… (at Bakong, Roluos Group)
Pre Rup in Siem Reap, Cambodia
sun affecting the way we capture photos, sometimes in a nice way 😀 … (at Pre Rup)
Ethan at Pre Rup, Siem Reap, Cambodia
Hiding away from the sun… nice! 😛 (at Pre Rup)
Ethan during sunrise at Angkor Wat, Siem Reap, Cambodia
Good morning, Siem Reap! I don’t know which one is sunnier, the sun or my hair? lolz (sunrise at Angkor Wat)
Ethan at Angkor Wat's eastern gate, Siem Reap, Cambodia
scorched by the sun yet still smiling… (at Angkor Wat, east gate)
Ethan at Banteay Srei, Cambodia
Sunlight early in the morning gives you Vitamin D… hmmmm (at Banteay Srei, also known as Temple of Women)
Ethan at Banteay Srei aka Temple of Women in Cambodia
See the sweat? (still at Banteay Srei)
Ethan at Kbal Spean, River of Thousand Lingas, in Cambodia
At least I can wash away my sweat here… wait, what was this place again? (at the River of Thousand Lingas (Kbal Spean)… aka river of a thousand phalus) … OMG! I already washed. :-p
Ethan at Prasat Thom in Koh Ker, Cambodia
Fourth day under the scorching sun (at Prasat Thom in Koh Ker)
Ethan at Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia
At the Tonle Sap Lake… 5th day under the sun
Ethan at Tasom Guesthouse in Siem Reap, Cambodia
The 6th day… We just want to hide away from the sun after all those tours… (at Tasom Guesthouse in Siem Reap)

Reason No. 2 | Food! Foooood! Healthy Food!

Our tourist guide mentioned that 90% of the people in Siem Reap are farmers while the rest of them are in the tourism industry. In fact, plains and jungles are often the sights you see when cruising in and around the city. And the cuisine being a reflection of a region’s lifestyle, it just makes sense that the foods in Siem Reap are full of healthy, fresh vegetables. I am so delighted! I could eat a lot of times as long as I’m eating healthy dishes!

Banana chocolate pancake street food in Siem Reap, Cambodia
Banana chocolate pancakes!!! Our first love. (street food)
Stir fried noodles with vegetables, street food in Siem Reap, Cambodia
Stir fried short noodles with vegetables!!! My first-first love! (street food)
Krolan, Khmer sticky rice in bamboo tube
Krolan, a.k.a. Khmer bamboo sticky rice … I particularly love the beans
Special Khmer curry beef
Special Khmer Curry Beef … i love curry! But this one totally surprised me and broke my definition of a curry dish…
Cambodian fried spring rolls
Cambodian spring rolls (fried)… look at those fillings! Yum.
Tom yam soup
Tom yam soup is… Yum! oh wait, isn’t this Singaporean or Thai?
Ethan posing with Cambodian draft beer
Cambodian draft beer… OMG! Mom, i’m just posing here. I’m not drinking! I’m not drinking! Not. :-p

Reason No. 1 | Climbing, Climbing and More Climbing!

When my friend said our destination will be Cambodia, I was excited. The thought of visiting temples and ruins delights me. I knew a bit of Cambodian history, thanks to a whole year of studying Asian nations during my high school. Being a place with significant roles in Asian history, I expected the trip to be lots of walking. So I jogged several weeks before the big day. But I never expected the tours would involve lots of climbing… climbing steep and long temple stairs that is! Waaaah. And there are numerous temples in the city of Siem Reap alone, so go figure. Hahaha. We didn’t even cover everything with a 3-day temple pass.

Bakong, part of Roluos Group, Cambodia
The third temple we visited. Huh?! What do you mean it’s the start of some big climbs? (At Bakong, part of Roluos Group)
Climbing Bakong, part of Roluos Group, Cambodia
Seriously?! We will go up this massive structure? *gasp* (Still at Bakong)
Ethan at Bakong, part of Roluos Group, Cambodia
OMG! I’m being left behind…. wait! but first, a selfie. :p (still at Bakong)
Ethan at Pre Rup, Cambodia
More climbing and taller this time…. gasp (at Pre Rup)
Ethan at Pre Rup, Cambodia
A selfie first before I look haggard (still at Pre Rup)
Ethan at Bakong, Cambodia
They’re goooooone! *gasp* (still on the lower ground at Pre Rup)
Restoration ongoing at Pre Rup in Cambodia
On top of Pre Rup, restorations are ongoing…. During the first 3 nights in Cambodia, I actually have nightmares of falling off the edges of temples or sliding down the temple stairs… oh my
Angkor Wat, eastern gate
Angkor Wat, be good to me…
unused stairs at Angkor Wat, Cambodia
Angkor, whaaaat?! Oh this isn’t the one we’ll be climbing? *whew*

But, wait until you get to the stairs where everyone is allowed to climb. Unfortunately, I have no pics.

Climbing Prasat Baphuon in Cambodia
Bapoun Temple or Prasat Baphuon has the steepest stairs I see so far in this Cambodian tour, but I didn’t have lots of pictures because…. tired. lolz
Kbal Spean signage, Cambodia
That shocked feeling when we found out we’ll be climbing 2,500 metres on the mountain to see the River of Thousand Lingas…
100 metres to go for Kbal Spean
This is heaven! 100 metres to go…. *pant*pant*
Ethan at Beng Mealea, Cambodia
No stairs at Beng Mealea… but we’ll be climbing boulders (o.0) …
“Spideeeer!!!” shouted a tall, white female tourist who was into Indiana Jones action
Ethan at Prasat Thom in Koh Ker, Cambodia
My first Mayan pyramid picture!!! Lolz. This one’s so far, you shouldn’t miss climbing on top of it…
(at Prasat Thom in Koh Ker)
stairs at Prasat Thom in Koh Ker, Cambodia
My camera can’t capture the height of the stairs we have to climb (o.0) (at Prasat Thom)

Good thing I was involved in Zumba (aerobics) sessions two weeks before the Siem Reap trip because the swaying of my hips actually helped me go up the stairs. (o.0) Wahahah!

So there you go, if you want to lose weight, you might as well plan a trip to Cambodia, especially Siem Reap, and stay as long as your passport or visa allows you to. Good luck!

PS: Unfortunately, as of the time of this posting, I already regained the 75% of the kilogram I lost. Oh noooooo! This sedentary, unhealthy lifestyle of mine. 🙁

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